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Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences, Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses Area

school Degree

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Sciences

schedule Duration

8 semesters

edit Application dates

19/08/2024 - 17/10/2024

date_range Classes start

March 2025

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attach_money Tuition

$6.846.000 (annually)

Program Description

The complexity of today’s technological problems requires that experts be addressed by searching for, adapting, and integrating globally available alternatives. This Doctoral program contributes to this perspective and allows for new research and development for the industry, regulatory agencies, and academic activity. In addition, the Doctoral program is a platform for specialized consultancy, creating innovative companies, and acting as an agent of profound technological change within the company.

Our students can do an internship in top-level foreign research centers financed by the school or the university. They can also present their research results at international conferences and publish articles in mainstream journals. In addition, they can opt for a dual degree through one of the cooperation agreements currently in force with prestigious foreign universities.

Years of Accreditation

Five years

Program Objectives

The objective of the Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences, Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses area is to train researchers with a solid scientific-technological orientation, capable of carrying out research originally and independently on the frontier of knowledge, to contribute to scientific development- technology in the areas of biotechnology, food, and chemical and environmental processes.

Students must make new contributions to knowledge during the investigation, training for their subsequent performance as a researcher with creativity, leadership, and originality. The ultimate basis for awarding a doctorate is the candidate’s developed ability to master a broad field of study and his or her ability to do research independently.

Learning Outcomes

Obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Sciences requires demonstrating mastery of the area of study and the ability to conduct research independently, making an original contribution to knowledge in the area of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses.

During their doctoral training, students will acquire competencies to face scientific and technological problems creatively and efficiently and that, due to their diverse nature, require complementing solid theoretical and conceptual bases with the application of methodologies and techniques of analysis relevant to some of the research areas of the program’s areas of specialization.

Research Areas

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This line focuses on the study of two large sublines. The first is metabolic engineering, which includes optimization of metabolic networks, genetic engineering, high-value compound biosynthesis, and bioseparations. The second subline is on biotechnology at the cellular level, which includes genomics, microbiome, tissue engineering and synthetic biology.

Food Engineering

This line focuses on the study of food from the perspective of technology and engineering, with attention to opportunities and innovative developments in rational food design and its microstructure, effects on microbiological and chemical safety, the use of native raw materials, and the analysis and modeling of emerging technologies.

Dynamics and Modeling of Chemical and Environmental Processes

This line focuses on the study of industrial chemical processes. The approach considers heterogeneous catalysis; physicochemical characterization of materials; thermodynamic equilibria; modeling and characterization of new solvents for separation processes; kinetics of reactors for bioremediation; analysis of biodegradability and modeling of transport phenomena to understand atmospheric pollution concepts; advanced extraction techniques to obtain nutraceuticals; and computational modeling of process control.

Application Requirements

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The application requirements, according to the bylaws of the Doctoral program in Engineering Sciences, are the following:

  1. In case of having foreign academic degrees, these must be equivalent to those mentioned above.
  2. Applicants must have sufficient understanding of the English language to read articles, books, and access international documents and databases. Applicants who do not have a certificate of English language proficiency as stated in the regulations of the UC Doctoral program must take a diagnostic test at the university to assess their language level and enroll in the courses indicated to achieve the required competencies.
  3. The Program is based on joint work between a supervising professor and a student in a defined area of specialization, so a certain degree of affinity of interests is required. The latter makes it impossible to assure the admission of all qualified applicants. Therefore, it is highly recommended to contact a professor working in the area of interest before applying.

In the following link you will find the list of UC Engineering academics grouped by academic area.

Graduation Requirements

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  • To be a Doctoral Candidate.
  • To have passed all courses and academic activities of the study plan, maintaining a cumulative grade point average higher than or equal to 5.0 during all semesters of permanence in the program and within a period not exceeding ten academic semesters.
  • To have finished and passed the doctoral thesis and the degree exam.
  • To have stayed in the Doctoral program for at least four semesters.
  • To have no debts of any kind with the University.

Unidades académicas

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

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