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Internal Scholarships

We have various internal scholarships to support Doctoral residencies, co-tutelage, participation in congresses, among others. We invite you to discover them.


What are internal scholarships?

The UC Graduate School offers internal support mechanisms, both to finance complete doctoral studies and to carry out complementary internationalization activities. Internal scholarships are aimed to assist students who have no external financing, such as the National Research and Development Agency of Chile (ANID) or similar funding.

What kind of benefits can I access through internal scholarships?

Maintenance benefits and free tuition:

  • Scholarship for Teaching Assistant and Teacher Scholar: This scholarship covers 100% of the tuition fee and provides funding for the maintenance of doctoral students who are starting their studies or who have passed their Candidacy Exam and started their doctoral thesis work (Doctoral Dissertation). Starting and ending dates depend on the calendar of application for the ANID Doctoral Studies Scholarship in Chile.
  • Residency Benefit for Doctoral Students: Covers 100% of the payment fee for students who have finished enrolling all the credits of their Doctoral Program. This also includes credits for completed theses and pending dissertations.

Other Internal Scholarships:

Other benefits and awards

  • Award for Excellence in Doctoral Dissertation: Recognition to the research carried out by doctoral graduates, whose Doctoral Dissertations represent a contribution to our country in the fields of Science, Humanities, Arts and Technologies.
  • Support for the organization of Seminars: Funding to organize gatherings of researchers regarding disciplinary or interdisciplinary topics through seminars, symposia, workshops or similar activities, organized by teams of UC doctoral students.
  • Cardinal Newman Award: Recognition and incentive of research carried out by UC doctoral students, whose objective is to converge their discipline and faith studies through theses that contribute significantly to the mission of the Alma Mater’s mission to evangelize culture.

Suspended applications due to Covid-19

On account of the current health context, mobility grants are suspended until further notice. For inquiries and guidance regarding applications, please contact us at concursosdoctorados@uc.cl
