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Doctoral Program in Chemistry

school Degree

Doctor in Chemistry

schedule Duration

8 semesters

edit Application dates

02/09/2024 - 18/10/2024

date_range Classes start

March 2025

account_circle Modality


attach_money Tuition

$4.450.000 (annually)

Program Description

Through the different areas of chemistry explored by the academics belonging to the program, students are trained to work in any primary discipline with a great capacity to interact with other branches of science. Thus, scientists capable of formulating multidisciplinary research and with skills and knowledge to perform effectively in the national productive area are trained.

Years of Accreditation

  • Eight years

Program Objectives

The main objective of the Doctoral Program in Chemistry is to train scientists of the highest level, with solid knowledge in their discipline, able to work and form multidisciplinary teams, with constant motivation for improvement and the pursuit of excellence, with a vocation of service and commitment to the development of the country.

Learning Outcomes

The graduates in Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile are people who:

  • Possess a broad conceptual mastery of the discipline and knowledge of the techniques and chemical methodologies used in research. These characteristics allow them to work both in the field of basic and applied research creatively and innovatively, thus contributing to the country’s development of science and technology.
  • Have scientific training of the highest level, with solid ethical values, a vocation of service, the ability to work in a team, and a constant motivation for improvement.
  • Have practical and intellectual skills that motivate them to seek interdisciplinary work with other branches of science, aware of the empowerment achieved in favor of an agreed objective.
  • Have transversal skills that enable them to work in groups and/or to lead working groups to address problems of the discipline or related areas from the theoretical-computational point of view to the proposal of purely practical resolutions.

Research Areas

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Polymers and Materials Science

In this research area, the lines dedicated to the synthesis, characterization and study of properties and applications of polymers, copolymers, polymer blends and nanostructured polymers are grouped.

Molecules and systems with biological and / or technological applications

In this research area focuses on the study of bioactive molecules in their broadest meaning grouping lines dedicated to: i) photochemical study in biological systems related, among others, with photodynamic and photochemical therapy of photosensitizer inclusion complexes; ii) design and synthesis of new molecules with potential pharmacological and / or technological applications and iii) study of the functional activity of molecules, proteins, and enzymes on human health.

Inorganic complexes

This research area groups the design, synthesis, characterization and study of properties of coordination complexes and organometallic compounds with applications in homogeneous / heterogeneous catalysis, polymers, and solar cells, among others.

Theoretical chemistry and the study of reactions

This research area includes the study of the fundamental and applied aspects of theoretical and computational chemistry, together with the elucidation of reaction mechanisms that involve molecules of prebiotic, biological and technological interest, among others.

Analytical chemistry and environment

This area’s main objective is the development and application of analytical chemistry to obtain, process and communicate information about the chemical composition of a material or sample, determining its identity and quantity. In this area are grouped lines of research dedicated to environmental electrochemistry, soil chemistry, development of sensors and probes of biological and environmental interest, analytical food chemistry, among others.

Application Requirements

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According to the regulations of the Doctoral program in Chemistry, application to the program is done online using the platform available on the website of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. For this, applicants must fill out an application form and include the following documentation:

  1. Legalized copy of Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry or its equivalent. If the degree was obtained abroad, it must be legalized at the Chilean Consulate of the country of origin for its subsequent legalization and translation -when applicable- at the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Academic transcript of all subjects taken in undergraduate studies, indicating the grading scale used in the institution where the applicants studied.
  3. Certificate of graduation ranking issued by the university of origin explicitly stating the applicants’ GRADUATE ranking, in which the total number of students of the applicants’ graduation generation is clearly indicated. In case such certificate cannot be submitted, a certificate issued by the university of origin stating that it does not provide graduation ranking certificates (No Ranking Certificate) must be attached.
  4. Degree certificate in case the applicant holds a Master’s degree in chemistry or in an equivalent area;
  5. Letter from a professor of the Doctoral Faculty sponsoring the application to the program and expressing the commitment to direct the thesis process.
  6. Photocopy of both sides of the national identity card or passport.
  7. Certificate of health insurance –Fonasa, Isapre or others (if any).
  8. Letters of recommendation from two professors related to the applicant must only be sent through the website by entering the sponsor’s information at the end of the online application. Online recommendations must be received in the system within the application deadline.

Graduation Requirements

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  • Have met the graduation requirements;
  • Have had a minimum stay of four semesters in the program;
  • Have accredited advanced command of the English language with application in academic fields, equivalent to the upper score of level B2 (Independent User) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​and in accordance with the operationalization protocol established by the Graduate School of the Vice-rectory for Research. Or, presenting an international certification equivalent to that defined by this same entity, for its validation;
  • Have approved at least three transversal skills workshops (CPD), one of which must be ethical in nature;
  • Have defended and approved their thesis work in private examination before the Thesis Committee;
  • Have attended the suggestions to the thesis manuscript made by the Thesis Committee in its private examination and have delivered the corrected version to the Doctoral Committee in Chemistry;
  • Have passed the public examination of thesis defense before the extended Thesis Committee;
  • Have accepted at least one scientific article in an indexed journal Web of Science (Wos) as main author (first author), or be the inventor of a patent granted or pending. Exceptionally, the Doctorate in Chemistry committee may authorize non-compliance with this requirement when it is considered that this could favor the subsequent publication of high-impact articles;
  • Have completed an internship abroad of at least three months in the framework of the development of their experimental thesis work. Eventually, force majeure reasons may prevent the carrying out of this academic activity, which must be known and authorized by the Chemistry Doctoral Committee. In this circumstance, the student must present, prior to his public thesis defense, a scientific article under the conditions established in literal h) of this article, this being additional to the curricular requirement set forth in said literal;
  • Having carried out two annual follow-up activities while the student was in a regular situation.

Unidades académicas

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

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