Who we are

About us
Our Graduate School was created with the mission of ensuring the quality of the doctoral programs imparted by the University. Our commitment is to ...

Our team
The UC Graduate School team is always at the disposal of future students and those who are already part of our academic staff. If you need help, ha...

UC Research in numbers
The Graduate School seeks to promote and position academic research to impact and contribute to society, both in Chile and worldwide. For this reas...

About our university
Learn more about the history of our University.

Our graduates
Every year our university graduates researchers of excellence, we invite you to meet them.

UC Doctoral Community
The Doctoral Community includes all the members who promote and supervise the doctoral training process as well as their students.

Research infrastructure
Our university has state of the art laboratories, centers of excellence, libraries and resources that facilitate the development of high-level rese...

Academics and lines of research
UC has a distinguished and ample academic faculty, from which doctorate professors are chosen to be part of doctoral cloisters.