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Doctoral Program in Economics

school Degree

Doctor in Economics

schedule Duration

8 semesters

edit Application dates

02/09/2024 - 31/10/2024

date_range Classes start

March 2025

account_circle Modality


attach_money Tuition

$8.440.000 (annually)

Program Description

The Doctoral Program in Economics has been conceived for a small number of students, rigorously selected for their academic excellence. It is aimed at graduates or masters in economics, for whom the training process lasts approximately four years of exclusive dedication, distributed between courses and a doctoral thesis. Students from other disciplines may require an additional leveling period.

The program is backed by the extensive experience and prestige of the Institute of Economics in the training of undergraduate and graduate students. It continues its tradition of addressing current economic problems and making a real contribution to the national and international economic reality. The fundamental pillar of all this is the quality of our professors and their dedication to academic research, which is reflected in the quality and quantity of their publications.

Years of Accreditation

  • Accredited for five years by the National Accreditation Commission of Chile until May 2022.

Program Objectives

The Doctoral Program in Economics aims to train researchers of excellence with in-depth knowledge and skills in economic sciences to conduct research autonomously, achieving sufficient preparation to generate significant contributions to the discipline and its applications.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program will develop strong analytical and independent theoretical and/or applied research skills, both in economics and in related areas. They will be qualified to hold academic positions in higher education institutions, both in teaching and research, and perform research and development tasks in any research center or business studies department.

Research Areas

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The main research areas of the Doctoral program are the traditional ones in the area of economics: 


Research area that analyzes aggregate fluctuations and economic growth.

Public Policies

Research area of microeconomics that specializes in the design, evaluation and implementation of government programs and public policies.

Industrial organization

Research area in microeconomic theory that analyzes the organization of industries and their economic consequences.

Game theory

A research area in microeconomic theory that studies decision theory and game theory at an advanced level.


Research area in economic theory that studies the probabilistic models that support statistical analysis.

Financial Economics

Research area specializing in the functioning and regulation of financial markets.

Application Requirements

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  1. To hold a bachelor’s degree in economics or related disciplines issued by a Chilean or foreign university.
  2. To submit documentation that certifies well-qualified studies in obtaining their Academic Degree or Professional Title. Also, to have a background of knowledge of the English language adequate to the requirements of the program.
  3. To demonstrate adequate knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics.
  4. GRE (Graduate Record Examination) general test score, which measures verbal, quantitative and analytical skills that have been acquired over several years and are not related to any specific field of study.

The following background information must be submitted in order to meet the application requirements:

  1. Certificate of Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, granted by a university of recognized prestige. In case of having academic degrees of foreign origin, these must be equivalent to those mentioned above. The equivalence will be based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), created by UNESCO, in force at the date of application. 
  2. Transcripts of previous university studies.
  3. Three letters of recommendation.
  4. GRE (Graduate Record Examination) quantitative test score.
  5. Application Form (containing letter of intent).

Graduation Requirements

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To obtain the academic degree of doctor, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • To be a doctoral candidate.
  • To have completed and approved the study plan contained in the current resolution.
  • To have spent at least four semesters in the program.
  • To have certified command of the English language at an advanced level and with application in academic fields, equivalent to ALTE level 3 (Association Language Testers of Europe);
  • To be authors on at least one scientific article under review in a mainstream journal or book. Exceptionally, the Doctoral Committee may authorize the non-fulfillment of this requirement when it is considered that this could favor the subsequent publication of articles of greater impact. 
  • To have passed at least three transversal skills workshops, one of which must be of an ethical nature.
  • To have completed a research stay/internship abroad, with teams working on topics related to the thesis. In duly justified cases of force majeure, the Doctoral Committee will be empowered to analyze and consider exceptional cases, to exempt the demand of this requirement.
  • To have carried out an annual follow-up activity while the students were regular students, and another in the case of having been awarded residencies, and
  • To have submitted the final version of the thesis, edited, and bound according to the editing standards established by the program.

In addition to the academic requirements mentioned above, at the time of applying for the doctoral degree of Economics, the student may not be registered as a debtor of any kind with the University.

Unidades académicas

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

For further information, please visit the website for this Doctoral Program

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